What parent doesn’t hate the battle of clothing when it comes to their child? More and more children are being rushed into adulthood by the fashion industry and unfortunately, dance fashion is no exception. At Soulfire Studios we believe in helping students become polished, confident, poised young adults. Overcoming doubts about physical appearance is one of the greatest challenges our children face, especially with the ever-expanding pressure from peers, TV, and social media. We also understand that as parents and mentors we are responsible for setting guidelines that encourage them to be empowered but not exploited in what they wear. Our dress code policy is rare and exceptional in the dance world in that we choose to focus on making sure the children and parents can feel secure with the uniforms used in classes and the costume pieces chosen for each performance. We don’t believe in having an exception to our moral standards for a show. For the girls we never select bare/mesh midriff pieces and always put them in tights under all costumes. For gentlemen we avoid open/bare chested costumes as well as nude shorts/tights. We want everything our dancers wear to reflect the positive mindset of our studio so that they can present their best selves in classes, on stage and in all aspects of their lives.